Justice Mail Friends
At her Nobel Peace Prize speech, Aung San Suu Kyi made an
impassioned call to governments to increase funding for refugees from Burma,
“Can we afford to indulge in compassion fatigue? Is the cost of meeting the needs of refugees greater than the cost that would be consequent on turning an indifferent, if not a blind, eye on their suffering? I appeal to donors the world over to fulfil the needs of these people who are in search, often it must seem to them a vain search, of refuge.’
“Can we afford to indulge in compassion fatigue? Is the cost of meeting the needs of refugees greater than the cost that would be consequent on turning an indifferent, if not a blind, eye on their suffering? I appeal to donors the world over to fulfil the needs of these people who are in search, often it must seem to them a vain search, of refuge.’
The British government is currently reviewing aid to Burma. Use
the link below to write to Andrew Mitchell and ask him respond positively to
Aung San Suu Kyi’s appeal for help.
Mike Cross
All Saints Kings Heath
Mike Cross
All Saints Kings Heath