Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Justice Mail Request 29 Jan 2013

Dear Justice Mail Friends

There is plenty of food in the world and yet one in eight people are hungry and approximately 2 million young children die every year from malnutrition. On 23 January in Somerset House, London, more than 100 British organisations joined together to launch a new campaign entitled “Enough Food for Everyone – IF”. David Cameron is chair of the G8, which meets in June in Northern Ireland. This is the year when we need a massive campaign to demand an end to the causes of world hunger, including action to prevent tax dodging by corporations, which is estimated to deprive developing countries of $160 billion every year.

Many of you will already have received invitations to join the campaign. Christian Aid, Oxfam, UNICEF, Save the Children and many others are sponsoring it. I have decided to ask you to join the campaign through CAFOD, the overseas development organisation of the Catholic Church in England and Wales, simply because we have not yet supported a CAFOD campaign, and I think we should!

When you follow the link below you will be taken to the CAFOD website. All you have to do is provide your name and postcode and send it. You will then receive an email giving you more information about the campaign and what you can do. We need to persuade hundreds of thousands of church members to join and abolish global hunger.

John Hull
Queens Foundation 

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